Thursday, September 29, 2011


You'll get a prompt, and then you have to write non-stop for 15 minutes.  Set a timer.


1.  Keep your hand moving.
Remember your writing hand is the creator; your other hand is the editor. If you keep the creative hand moving, the editing hand can't get a word in edgewise.  This is important for writing practice.  It gives the creator more space to create.  The editor has no place in writing practice.

2.  Lose control.
Say what you want to say.  Forget about structure, rules and "being nice."  The more you lose control, the more authentic your writing becomes.  Go for it, then go for some more.  

3.  Be specific.
By naming things you are more deeply in the present.  You honor people, places and things by naming them.  The more specific your description, the more life your writing has.  Picture the detail, especially as you perceive it through your five senses, and write it down.

4. Don't think
First thoughts hold the truth.  First thoughts are unencumbered by ego.  Write them.  Second thoughts are caution, editing, considering.  Re-thinking.  Go with the first flash of truth.

5.  Don't worry about spelling, punctuation, grammar or syntax.  
In fact, don't worry about anything.  Just write.

6.  You are free to write the worst junk in America.  
Some days you will.  And some days you'll write something really wonderful.  And sometimes you'll just write.

7.  Go for the jugular. 
If something scary comes up, go for it.  That's where the energy is.  Write through your tears, your anger, all those fears.  Go for the real stuff.  If you don't, your writing will be tiptoeing nervously around whatever your real stuff is.  

PROMPT:  The way water feels on skin

Now start the timer...and write.

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