Saturday, August 13, 2011

almost i'm thinking

  • every day an experience,that in which people are linked,in some small way. to help personalize : you go to a store or bar,etc. ,you see a car with its lights on ,what do you do? you go into the place your going into and tell some -one. these small little steps of thoughtfulness or kindness if you like, help us feel better about us, the me in all of us. if you could now imagine hundreds of small acts of kindness or courtesy ,like waiting your turn,letting some-one have your seat,opening a door for any-one and saying after you. simply saying the words good morning can change a whole day, for you or for some-one else. i've notice a shut in type of mentality of speaking to know-one, robot threw the day. there are allot of scholars on the subject, but there in a room somewhere to. how can you tell if there friend or foe unless you look them in the eye. most of us have never been good at first impressions. how ever these little things i talk about prove to be worth the time. i have no money , i can only give these little courtesies and kindness to each human that i come across. each time i can tell good from bad . this helps me in my next step, that is communication. the days of  chivalry and dignity are not gone. each one of has to remember not all humans have friends and family to communicate with. facebook friends is not friends. humans have to reach out  and be together. learn be live experience

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